It’s been quite a while since I’ve had the pleasure of managing my own blog space. The feeling is nostalgic, as it’s been some time since I last had my own hosting. There’s something liberating about having a personal corner of the internet to express thoughts and ideas.
While I’m not entirely certain about the content or the time I can dedicate to it, there’s a sense of satisfaction in the simple act of putting words down. It’s a creative outlet that I’ve missed.
On another note, my emails have also returned. It might seem like a small victory, but having my own email under my personal brand feels significantly better than relying solely on Gmail. There’s a touch of professionalism, or perhaps it’s just a stroke of personal ego that makes it more appealing.
Regardless, I’m excited one once again blog content. I made an attempt before for two posts a month, and I think I’ll stick to that schedule. It seemed manageable, even during weeks when I don’t have much to share. Maybe even just a picture or two, and a few words. Who knows what the future will hold!
Here’s to a new chapter of blog posts!