I wish I could report that the next few game reviews I’ll be posting, were filled with magical moments that, really elevate the gaming experience. But, unfortunately, that’s not the case. First up is Sniper Elite: Resistance. The previous sniper games, for the most part, have been solid entries into the genre, will great game play, and great physics that push you to sneak around in clever ways, all the while trying to accomplish your goals.

Sniper Elite: Resistance has most of that. Standard stuff that doesn’t really need to be messed with. But, then there are the graphics, sound, and new mechanics that just don’t make any sense, or, are a step back. First let’s start with the graphics. In an age where video cards are outpacing programming and gaming in general, you’d think that we’d be actually making advances in gaming graphics. But that doesn’t seem to be the case here with Sniper Elite: Resistance. In fact, this seems like a huge step back in my opinion.
Sound is also another thing that doesn’t seem to be utilized. With the success of games like Hunt Showdown, which use sound to track movement and stuff, you’d THINK, games like Sniper Elite: Resistance, which requires sneaking around, would use sound to give away enemy positions. Look, I love being able to tag an enemy and indefinitely track them, but kind of removes a lot of realism in the process.
And new mechanics. Multiplayer and Co-op. This game never needed it. And unless some of the above issues were fixed, I don’t see it as a net positive for the game. Just not required.
Is there anything I like about it? The fact that they didn’t change the formula to much is, its greatest strength. And that’s not a glowing aspect of it. Because its standard, with little to no innovation, any and all its flaws are amplified. The story isn’t half bad, but the character models and ho hum voice acting is just not elevated enough to keep me engaged.
I really wanted to like this game; I loved the previous ones. But the step back in graphics, just feels like a rushed product.
If you thought this review was bad. Wait till the Avowed review next month.