“Calming Touch”, a revered spell among the denizens of Timilak Forest, serves as a harmonious bridge between Elven magic and the natural world. This enchantment, frequently wielded by Elven warriors and mages, finds its prime application in the dense woodland surrounding their city. Its gentle aura pacifies the untamed spirits of the forest, quelling the savage tendencies that may stir within its depths. Interestingly, a modified version of this spell is also embraced by the Clerics of High Tower, extending its influence beyond the woodlands. These clerics employ the ethically charged variant to mollify agitated souls, offering solace and tranquility. Despite its benevolent purpose, akin to Befriend Creature, Calming Touch sparks ethical contemplation, as manipulating the emotions of creatures, both natural and sentient, raises questions about the boundaries of magical influence and its impact on free will.