Wiki Category: Organizations

Xonthian, a realm steeped in mysticism and adventure, hosts a diverse array of organizations that shape the tapestry of its society. From guilds to military colleges, kingdoms to magical organizations, these entities play pivotal roles in the intricate web of Xonthian life.

The Guilds of Xonthian are renowned for their specialized expertise and collaborative efforts. The Guild of Artificers pioneers advancements in magical artifacts, enchantments, and alchemical wonders. The Unsean, a shadowy consortium, excels in covert operations and clandestine endeavors. Meanwhile, the Mercantile Alliance governs trade routes and economic policies, ensuring prosperity across the realm.

Educational institutions in Xonthian cater to diverse talents and skills. The Arcane Academy hones the magical prowess of aspiring mages, while the Swordmaster’s Citadel trains elite warriors in the art of combat. Scholars flock to the Astral Institute, a bastion of knowledge and wisdom, while the Bardic Conservatory nurtures the musical and poetic talents of aspiring minstrels.

Xonthian’s military prowess is fortified by prestigious colleges. The Crimson Legion Academy molds disciplined soldiers, specializing in strategic warfare.

Xonthian is divided into distinct kingdoms, each with its unique culture and governance. The Kingdom of Xonthian and Cettera, both known for its grandeur and diplomacy, stands as a beacons of unity. The Clans of the Bone Plain, a rugged expanse, thrive on resilience and self-sufficiency. The Elves of Timilik, surrounded by magical, house mystical beings and serve as a haven for research and experimentation.

The magical heartbeat of Xonthian pulsates through various organizations. Such organizations are run by the Fire Isle Mages and the Clerics of Gatehar. Both oversee various aspects of the arcane.

The Unseen

A league of assassins who are honorable and discrete in their jobs is counterintuitive when it comes to being hired, murderers. The Unseen is a group of Shadow Elves that take money for contracts, to eliminate political figures, merchants, and other high-profile targets. They will not kill those they deem unhonorable, such as children. Their methods are secret, but their price tag is not. Only the ultra-wealthy can afford them. You can not join the Unseen, they will find candidates and admit only the best into their fold. Those they recruit usually show a strong aptitude for manipulating shadows. Training is tedious, leaving the recruit scarred in some fashion at best, or dead in extreme cases.

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Physical Description

Body Features

The Shadow Elf, is a compressed spring, ready to release at a moment’s notice. Efficient muscles ripple under his ashen skin, like a panther waiting to strike. He wears the traditional garb of being an assassin from the Shadow Islands and rarely takes it off when in the presence of others.

Facial Features

What people generally see when interacting with the Shadow Elf, is his striking, grey eyes peering from slits in his assassins mask. His face, though mostly hidden from view, is strong and teardrop-shaped.

Identifying Characteristics

What defines the Shadow Elf, is his dual katana’s. Two, blackened steel blades, which are slightly curved, give the elf his name. The swords are able to pierce the very shadows around him, allowing the blades to become invisible. ShadowBlade himself can move within the shadows, and with his race’s inherent ability to ‘shift’ through them, he can appear from anywhere there is a shadow. Allowing him to sneak up on pray from behind, when their shadows trail behind them.


Mental characteristics


Personal history

Very little is known about the enigmatic “ShadowBlade”. The shadow elf was under the employ of the Fire Isle Mages, and was sent to Xonthian City to kill the King. Tiger, however, stopped him, and after the two had a brief exchange, he was persuaded into working for Tiger and his friends, to combat the elf’s former employer.   Tiger learned during the exchange, that the elf was not truly evil, and was only there because he was paid to be. Tiger purchased the elf’s contract and set the elf free.   It’s not known to anyone currently, how ShadowBlade came to be under the Mages employment, or what the elf’s real name even is. What is known, is he is extremely loyal towards Tiger and his friends, even if he some times doesn’t express it.



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Carrie “Illusia” Enid

Physical Description


Body Features

Youth and inexperience has not filled her body out. She relies more on her abilities than her body and as such, doesn’t have the strength or practiced agility as some of her friends. She is by all accounts has an average body. She is the shortest of the friends as well, with Emerald being the closest in height.

Facial Features

Her soft face hides deep emotional scars. Her bright blue eyes reflect power not yet tapped. She has long, curly, black hair that runs down her back in ribbons.


Mental characteristics


Personal history

Princess Carrie “Illusia” Enid was born to the King and Queen of Xecutran, and is the youngest of three siblings. During her birth, her mother died, leaving her the last of the children born to King Moll Enid II. During her upbringing, she began to show an aptitude to control magic. These manifestations did not go unnoticed by her father, the king. He began to treat her with contempt and hatred. He wanted very little to do with her and would take care of making sure he was busy and not around to take care of her.  
Her older brother, Prince Kia’sinn Enid took to protect her from her father’s unrelenting anger. When she was old enough, Carrie left the protection of the castle, and ventured out on her own. Eventually, she fell in with an encamped Fire Isle Mages. While she was with them, she began to learn and focus her powers and magical skills. She learned new spells and magic, and even how to create illusions, where a type of magic that she excelled at. She excelled at the type of magic so well, that the illusions she conjured, where real to anyone that looked upon them. It was this ability that eventually lead to her name, Illusia.  
It was some time after, that Tiger and her friends found her, and while she didn’t need rescuing, she chose to go with them. She slowly crawled from her shell and befriended Emerald and Timla.

Mental Trauma

Carrie “Illusia”, has deep-seated anxiety towards failure. She’s always trying to do her best when it comes to her friends, which oftentimes appears like she’s seeking affection. Later in life, her mental scars manifested into post-traumatic stress disorder, which was a product of fighting at the Wall of Ages during the One Hundred Year War. She does eventually find peace when Huntra helps her find her mental demons.

Intellectual Characteristics

Illusia’s power comes from her ability to control illusions. Any illusion type spell she casts, is so powerful, that it’s practically real to anyone looking upon it. So much so, that if she created a box and you put something in that box, and the spell was dispelled, both the box and the item would be lost forever. Of course, she doesn’t discover this for some time during her life.  
This ability coincides with her ability to conjure two maces, one of fire the other of ice. They are equally sized maces that she can duel wield, a skill Huntra taught her when they met. The maces themselves have no weight for her, so they are effortless to wield, since they are, to her, technically illusions. But to anyone hit with them, or seeing them, they are real. The fire will burn, and the ice will freeze any skin they come in contact with.  
Other magical abilities are there, and she can learn basic level spells. Emerald eventually even teaches her how to enchant objects or how to cast offensive spells. Aside from Emerald, Illusia is one of the most powerful casters the world has seen, and could surpass Emerald, if she gave in to her magical abilities. Something she tries to suppress on a daily basis.



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Huntra of the Lann Clan

Physical Description


Body Features

Huntra is a giant among women. She is tall, dark tan-skinned warrior with thick, corded muscles that are fast and strong. Her greatest feature and most striking is the Clan tattoo running along her right arm. It symbolizes strength, accuracy, and speed along with protection. Although the People of the Plains don’t rely on magic and don’t generally use it, the tattoo’s do hold supernatural properties, giving Huntra more stamina and protection in battle.

Facial Features

Huntra’s strong, weathered features do little to hide the underlining beauty her face presents. Bright, sky blue eyes are set between a gently sloping nose, that reflect the fierceness of her people. Long, white, blond hair, like wheat, flows down her back, like a lions mane.


Mental characteristics


Personal history

Huntra of the Lan Clan was born in a dusty, worn-out hut in the middle of the Bone Plains. She has a brother and father and never knew her mother. Her mother, died when she was young, during a hunting accident. She was a typical child of the sand, learning to survive in the harsh desert climate. She took up the saber when she was 10, and excelled at its use through her adolescents. She grew up to become one of the Clans greatest warriors.   When she was older, she fought for her Clans when they became divided over how to rule. The Clans elder council became corrupted, and it wasn’t until Tiger and the rest of his friends arrived that this was resolved.   Her father was one of the elder council members and it was found that he was responsible for the war between the clans.



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Yatáki Sothmore

Physical Description


Body Features

Yatáki is slender, agile, and strong. She moves with a swagger born from years of knowing how to get what she wants. A long, sandy-colored tail protrudes from the base of her spine, and where her tail bone would start, that she uses for balance. Able to leap and move with uncanny accuracy among crowds, buildings, and inanimate objects, she can lose most pursuers quickly. The claws on her hands are very sharp and skillfully used when fighting against soft-skinned targets. They have however been known to pierce thicker-skinned creatures like trolls and orcs.

Facial Features

Yatáki has long brown hair that reaches to mid-back. She has green, cat-like eyes that sparkle with cunning and mischief. Her face is slender and feminine looking yet somewhat stern. She has two cat-like ears that adorn the top of her head, and twitch every so often as Yatáki becomes nervous or worried.

Apparel & Accessories

Yatáki wears a tight green bodysuit that complements her shapely, agile body. she wears finger-less gloves on her hands, for more or less looks. The boots she wears are special boots that give extra padding to help with high jumps and help with traction on slippery surfaces. During her travels, she gained access to two crossbow pistols, that are magically imbued to reload.


Mental characteristics


Personal history

Yatáki “Kitt” Sothmore was born before the hundred-year war broke out across Xonthian. Born into the Thieves House of the Elder Race in Yente, Yatáki was raised as a thief and a good one at that. Her parents were head of the Thieves House but her family was the entire village, while her brothers and sisters were the other members within the house.  
Her father, Ariki, became an Elder before she left Yente and was killed before she returned during the Tri-Islands ordeal.  
She grew older and her skills became masterful. The council became worried that they were witnessing the start of a very old prophecy. The Elder Council fearing Yatáki’s travels to other cities in Xecu’Tran, warned her of the prophecy and the meaning behind the often cryptic ancient tomes that were stored in the Elder Races Library.  
Thinking the council was afraid of the future, Yatáki ran off to Cettera to live and found a peaceful ally to call her home until she met a fellow thief named Faytal.  
Faytal was the leader of the Cettera Anarchs guild. The Anarchs took Yatáki in and they begin a five-year crime spree. Yatáki became so integrated into the Anarchs that she was given leadership of the Xonthian branch. During her journey, she nearly drowned in the Malestrom Sea during the voyage. She barely survived and eventually made it to Xonthian City.  
Two years later, Yatáki ran into Tiger as he chased her through the streets of the city, and eventually stumbled upon this Theives Guild hidden entrance.


Personality Characteristics



Yatáki is a carefree spirit that likes to get into trouble and can handle herself well in most situations. Yatáki has a positive outlook on life and will be the one to crack a joke in tight situations. She will travel with anyone and everyone. She sometimes travels in the company of thieves and will get along with them accordingly. She treats thieves with the highest respect since she helps head one of the largest thieves guilds in all Xonthian. Thieves under the Anarchs will always respect her and those she travels with.  
She loves tormenting Tiger and hassling him. The two share a bond close to that of Tiger and Cord, one of family or kin. Although they argue and often disagree, in the end, the two will do anything for one another.



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Emerald Moonshea

Physical Description


Body Features

She has a slender, almost frail-looking, short elf body that is strong and sensuous under the wiry exterior. She walks with an air of majesty and grace, tempered only by the occasional clumsy step that may occur when she travels. She is a full head, or more, shorter than Tiger’s six foot frame.

Facial Features

Emerald smiles with kindness and is very sensible when it comes to dealing with problems. Her almond-shaped eyes sparkle green even in total darkness. She has long, brown hair that flows gently down to her mid-back. Her pointy elven ears stick out of her brown hair slightly.

Apparel & Accessories

A green, cloth choker with an emerald sewn into the center of the cloth adorns her slender, elven neck. Emerald wears a tight, leather jumper with pointed shoulder pads that extend a little past her shoulders. Patches of leather are cut out along the outside of both legs, in the diamond emerald patterns. She is known to wear a robe around this outfit, it flows gently when she walks, made from thin material that is nearly see through. The robe is forest green with light green accents on the sleeves, down the lapel and around her ankles. The robe has four buttons that start at her belly button working it’s way up. Silvery rune’s adorn her sleeves shimmering in it’s own light.


Mental characteristics


Personal history

Emerald Moonshea was born into a magic adept family. She was an only child and learned her magic skills from her father, the High Sorcerer at the time. Her powers grew with age and eventually manifested into the aura of protection she currently uses to protect those around her. Her father retired from the position when she was growing up, leaving his apprentice Kisho Dragonsong to take over his duties.   Her upbringing was typical for an elven girl. She spent most of her time deep in the forest refining her Nature magic. She became so good at controlling animals that she was eventually told to stop practicing nature magic, and concentrate on Enchanting magic. Learning the basic skills of Enchantments, allowed her powers to grow even further, leading her to discover a method of protecting others around her using the natural aura of nature.   Emerald was promoted to the Adept of the High Sorcerer, an honorary position within the kingdom, that made her the apprentice of the High Sorcerer, Kisho. Kisho instructed her on higher levels of magic, focusing her abilities even further, allowing her to craft spells never before seen. It was during this period that she met Tiger when he and Catt arrived.

Intellectual Characteristics

Her presence is often soothing to those around her. She often times has what others would call ‘bad luck’. She’s smart, however, and understands this perceived flaw, and will oftentimes hide it before others see it. She’s learned, and thoughtful. Her greatest strength is her extensive magical knowledge. She can feel the flow of magic in the world and has the ability to manipulate it on a small scale. She can also create spells given enough time. Anything she creates from an Enchantment or Nature school has the chance to become permanently bound to the object, or person, she casts it on. In this respect, she has to be careful when using her magic, as the control she has over it is so dominant.



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Cord der’Handler

Physical Description


Body Features

Cord is a product of heavy lifting in the warehouses of Port Orlynns and the merchant lifestyle he chooses to pursue. Even though he’s large and well built, he moves with an underlying sleekness that belies his outer, bulky appearances.

Facial Features

His square, set jaw and short-cropped brown hair, gives Cord the appearance of being a military man. His once blue eyes and undergone a transformation after becoming the living Avatar for the Goddess of Storms. His now, electric, spark fill grey eyes, look like a storm is raging on the distant horizon.

Apparel & Accessories

After he was discovered, nearly dead, by Tiger and his traveling companions, Cord took up the mantel of the Living Avatar of the Goddess of Storms. The armor he was bestowed encircles and protects Cord from most dangers, living or dead. Only the oldest creatures of bygone eras can scratch the metal the armor is made of. The armor, dubbed the Storm Champion Armor, is blue with sparks of electricity running down its exterior. Cord later had a chain spear and scythe fashioned, giving him the ability to use the electricity of his newfound powers against foes further away.


Mental characteristics


Personal history

Cord der’Handler was born to a well-established merchant and his wife. The only son in the der’Handler family, Cord to the lifestyle of being a merchantman and traveled the world alongside his father from an early age. Born in Port Orlynns, the largest port city in Xonthian, Cord is learned to traverse the complex social structure of the city.   As he grew older, Cord began to take on more responsibilities and started to accompany the caravans across Xonthian with only the caravan guards. He acted as a young emissary to some of the smaller merchants in the far-flung towns and villages. This is where he met Hon’shu, who took a shining to the young Cord. Hon’shu and Cord traveled to Xonthian City where he was introduced to the King and Queen, which would later help Cord and his father establish better trade relations. This would later result in Cord’s family becoming the Kingdoms preferred merchant, which the other older merchants became jealous of.   On one of Cords many travels from Port Orlynns to Xonthian City, he heard a crying baby coming from the brush next to the road. With rain pouring down, Cord dismounted his wagon and found a bundle wrapped hidden in the bushes, next to the baby was a sword, glowing with an eerie silver light. Cord picked the baby up and tucked it safely in the wagon next to the driver’s seat then returned to the sword. As he grasped the handle of the sword, Cord was flung back against the wagon, the air temporarily forced from his lungs. He left the blade and took the baby to Hon’shu who adopted the child and cared for him as if he were his own son.




Social Aptitude

Cord’s greatest strength outside of the physical one is his ability to navigate the Merchants Guild and the geopolitical rooms across the world. Well-spoken, slow to anger, and empathy, helps him navigate the turbulent landscape politics often has. He’s got deep family ties to some of the most powerful agents in the world of Xonthian and Xecu’tran, that he can use and manipulate if needed. Although Cord does not like to think of himself as a political figure, later in life he does become the most powerful admiral in the royal merchant navy.


Cord is easy going. He is Tiger’s strength and is seen as his older brother. Cord’s capacity for love and compassion helps balance out Tiger’s vengeful spirit and is seen as the voice of reason. That, however, does not make him a pushover. Cord’s propensity for swift anger will spark given the right circumstances.   Cord sticks close to his friends and will protect them without question. Even when Cord finds that he’s traveling with a vampire, Cord gives little more thought to it then a shrug.



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Cattabree Sengue

Physical Description


Body Features

Her slender, shapely body is frozen in a young woman’s unsure posture. Her frail-looking appearance is anything but weak. Hidden under her pale skin, is power the world has never seen. Bree herself has not tapped into the full potential of her vampiric powers, and during her travels barely scratches the surface of them.

Facial Features

Her nose is slightly turned up between crimson red eyes that glow with an inner fire that reflects her power and cunning wit. Her face is frozen in youthful, beautiful countenance when she lets her guard down. Usually, however, it is hidden behind a scowl of hatred and vengeance. Long, blond, nearly white hair, flows with smooth waves down her back.

Apparel & Accessories

Her cloak is made from the hair made woven strands from the hairs of Dragons Mane’s, a long-dead, mummified dragon on Fire Isle. This undead black beast lurks the mountain ranges of Fire Isle. The cloak has the power to protect Bree from most natural light, if she finds the strain of the morning sun too much to bear, she can lose herself in the cloaks blackness, allowing the cloak to soak in the rays of light.


Mental characteristics


Personal history

Cattabree “Bree” Sengue was born to a poor family that valued life with each other. Her life was carefree, save for the chores she had around the farmhouse near North Kelsa.  
Her life was drastically changed when a traveler came by one night, calling for a night’s stay at the family’s stable, saying he was on his way to Fort Point, to join the army gathering there to fight the growing threat of the Fire Isle Mages.  
Honored to have a warrior stay at their home, Bree’s family agreed to give them man board and a meal for his bravery. Later that night, the man slew her parents and kidnapped her, taking her all the way to the Fire Isles. There she was enslaved as a consort to the Vampire Lord. After months of toying with her, the Vampire Lord turned her. Bree resisted the full force of the vampiric curse and was bestowed the one thing Vampire kind lack, her soul.   Powered by the youthful vengeance of her soul, Bree was turned into a vampire that could walk in the sun, and control the energy around herself and others. After surviving on the Fire Isles for months after, she came across an undead dragon. She killed it and took its fur as a prize, noticing that it did not reflect the sun and could be used as a cloak to protect her. She soon found a way off the island and stowed away aboard a ship bound for South Kelsa. From there she dedicated her life to finding and slaying any vampires she could find.   She eventual tracked one to Xonthian City and was too late in stopping it from killing Hon’shu. The boy, Tiger, grew angry and eventually left Xonthian City. Curious and guilty for not stopping the vampire that killed Tiger’s father, she followed him. After a week of travel Tiger stopped and found a mysterious sword. It was then that she decided to introduce herself.

Mental Trauma

Bree always seems to brood over something, and yet never lets the others know just what is bothering her. Her temper is quick, and powerful, yet sharp and to the point. When she’s in the sun, her skin shimmers slightly with sweat. She fears the sun and will avoid it whenever possible. She will become thirsty within moments of being in the sunlight and will seek the shadows if they are around. The pain caused by the sun is immense, yet she seems to be able to handle it well, despite the pain.

Morality & Philosophy

She has great affection for Tiger, and will protect him with her life, or body. The two flirt constantly, and tease each other whenever they are alone. Bree has never drawn Tiger’s blood in lust, this temptation is more cruel and painful then the sun’s powerful rays. She has never tasted his blood, nor will she, for fear of having the blood lust take her over.



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Tiger Darqlaw

Physical Description

Body Features

He is well built with sturdy arms and legs and agile. His body has grown into itself from a young age, leaving him well proportioned and handsome. He has several scars under his armor, the largest a scar across his chest he received during his first experience with the 100-year war. His half-elven frame towers over most elven kind, usually a head taller then even the tallest elf.


Facial Features

Tiger’s face is strong, yet soft with kindness. His emerald eyes sparkle with wisdom gained through the hardship of a life battling evil. His long black hair is usually down and covers his shoulders like a mane. His half-elven ears, though not as long as a typical elf, protrudes slightly through his hair.


Mental characteristics


Personal history

Cord, a merchant at the time, found Tiger nestled between roots of a tree on one of Cords travels between cities. He picked the baby up and settled him in his cart. He tried to pick up the sword, The TigerClaw, however, when he tried to grab it, he was thrown back. Not sure what to make of it, he left the sword and figured anyone worthy of taking it, deserved such a powerful blade. Cord took the baby to a friend, a simple ex-soldier and military advisor named Hon’Shu Darqlaw. There, the two pondered the child’s fate, and why he was deserted in the middle of the forest. The man babysat at their feet and growled playfully with Hon’Shu’s dog. He seemed ferocious in his playful mood, attacking and swatted at the dog’s nose almost like a cat. Jokingly, Hon’Shu called him a little Tiger Cub. Thus, the name stuck.  
Tiger Darqlaw was raised by this father-like figure, he was a well-known expert in the arts of war and strategy. Hon-Shu taught Tiger to fight with his heart, and soul, to listen to his heart and mind. He taught him to fight mercifully, yet unforgiving like the name he was given. As a child, he was always getting into trouble. Either he started it, or he seemed to end up in the middle of. As he grew up, he became more of a moderator in brawls and disagreements. Not wanting to take any side that seemed like a good one at the time.  
Hon’Shu explained to the young Tiger that the sword that Cord found him and how when he was ready, he should return to the spot to see if it was still there. Sometime later, Tiger woke to Hon’Shu’s muted screams of terror. He ran into the den to find a vampire attacking Hon’Shu, blood pooling around Hon’Shu’s neck. Becoming enraged, Tiger took up his master’s old short sword and darted towards the Vampire.  
After Hon’shu’s death, Tiger took a vengeful path south to find the sword his father had told him about. He was angry, hurt, and lonely. He found the magical elf silver sword, The TigerClaw sitting barely visible in the brush next to the road. With the sword, Tiger vowed to use it to avenge his father and slay all Vampires. However, fate is a confusing and mirthful being.





When traveling with companions he knows from past adventures, he guards them with everything he has. Not caring of his own well being, it often times gets him hurt, or a couple of times even close to death. When traveling within new company, he is leery but respectful. He will protect these new companions, but not blindly and will never sacrifice himself for them until he has learned to trust them completely. This is sometimes harder then it may seem, since to him trust is something built over a lot of blood, sweat and time. He carries himself like a true warrior and sometimes this misleads people into mistaking him for something he isn’t, like a soldier or a Plainsmen. He regards other humans and elves equally, including some Shadow Elves. This puts him at odds with most people when they find he has a knack for getting Shadow Elves to listen to him, and tolerate their presence. Although this can be a gift, he doesn’t go out of his way to find them, nor does he align himself with their house to gain any sort of favors.  
Charisma is a big part of his personality, and uses it well when talking to others. For the most part, he is usually brooding over some failed goal, he can be seemingly cold at heart. However he’s polite when need be, and will carry himself with dignity when traveling through a king’s castle or elven fortress. He is highly regarded in Xonthian, from both hierarchies set within Xonthian.



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A group of adventurers who band together in response to the Hundred Year War. TigerForce are a wide range of misfits that lend special abilities and knowledge in helping one another. Seen as outsiders, due to their abilities, Tiger and his friends instead set out to prove they are worthy of protecting the world from any threat.

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