The Unknown, fearsome beings born of a mysterious union between demons and dragons, are shrouded in an enigmatic veil woven by the gods themselves. Towering and sinewy, their formidable frames are a fusion of draconic might and feline grace. Bone armor, hard as steel yet flexible, encases their heads and extends down to their spiky tails. The verdant scales covering their muscular bodies rival the toughness of their bone hide. Sunken eyes peer from behind horns that rise like jagged crowns, while saber-like tusks frame their flat faces.
Their dread-inducing prowess lies in their mastery of all magic the world beholds, effortlessly harnessed at will. The Unknown’s most ominous trait is their ability to shapeshift, assuming the guise of any living creature encountered. This mimicry grants them access to the copied entity’s skills, speech, and behaviors, rendering them the most formidable hunters in existence. Governed by the Queen of the Unknown, or the Queen of Blood, these creatures pursue a collective purpose—hunting and slaying all races, even their dragon kin. In the world’s darkest corners, the mere whisper of their presence sends shivers through the bravest hearts, as the Unknown reign as the ultimate nightmare, veiled in both myth and malevolence.