
Undead, a diverse classification of creatures or humanoids, once thrived as living beings but have succumbed to death, leaving behind mere husks of their former selves. Typically brought into existence through the dark arts of necromancy, these creatures often necessitate the sinister influence of a Lich to exert control over their animated forms. While rare locations infused with potent magical energy may spawn independent undead entities, most require the guidance of a Lich or are bound by a singular purpose.

Examples of undead include skeletal warriors, mindless zombies, ethereal wraiths, and insatiable ghouls. The majority of undead lack cognitive abilities, acting solely on instinct or predetermined directives. Wraiths stand as an exception, possessing a level of intelligence that sets them apart. The undead realm teems with eerie entities, each with its own origin, characteristics, and vulnerabilities, adding an element of mystery and peril to the worlds they inhabit.