The Werewolf, a mythical creature deeply entrenched in folklore, represents a cursed humanoid. Diverging from vampires, Werewolves are solitary beings driven to avoid perpetuating their curse. Transmitted through a bite, the curse transforms them into formidable, bi-pedal wolf-like entities with massive claws and fangs capable of tearing flesh from bone.
Intriguingly, Werewolves exhibit a unique connection with wolves, including Dire Wolves, often attracting them as companions. Despite their predatory nature, these creatures primarily hunt wild game, though instances of humanoid hunting have been recorded. The transformative process occurs during a full moon, irrespective of its visibility to the afflicted, compelling the Werewolf to assume its formidable wolf form. Symbolizing the duality of humanity and the untamed, the Werewolf myth encapsulates the struggle between the human and primal instincts within the cursed individual.