Airawan, colossal beings residing exclusively in the Bone Plains, are awe-inspiring creatures with a distinctive and imposing presence. Adult males, towering at three times the size of a horse, boast thick white or sandy-white hides that lighten with age. Their iconic four long, saber-like tusks emerge by their third birthday, creating an imposing spectacle on either side of their tree-sized trunks. Moving at a deliberate pace on four barrel-sized legs, these majestic beings echo through the plains in massive herds, their synchronized footsteps resembling thunder.
The Clans of the Bone Plain engage in ceremonial hunts of the Airawan, recognizing the creature’s significance in their culture. Mating for life, Airawan embody loyalty and unity, forging unbreakable bonds within their herds. This colossal species, with its unique anatomy and cultural importance, remains an integral part of the Bone Plains ecosystem, symbolizing strength, endurance, and the interconnectedness of life on the vast, open plains.