
Fed up with the recent advancements in magic, that threatened the very essence of the world, Alpha Omega bid the Greater Beings to rip the orb that was embedded in their foreheads and bring them to his temple. A great pile of these small orbs began to appear. Any newborn was immediately deprived of this heritage, fearing the wrath of their god.  
To the north and east where Yente is now being built, the inhabitants saw streaks of silver shot across the sky like stars crashing to the world beyond to the east. To the north, in the great woods of Timlimak Forest, where the oldest and greatest of tree can be found a new life began. This one was created from pure magic. The race of elves sprang from the broken shards of orbs that broke against the bark of the woods. Legends have said that the orbs crashed into the trees and broke, spilling the magic that held them onto the trees and grass, causing the Elves to be born from nature and the great magic that is held in the forests to this day.  
Those orbs that did not break against the trees began a life of their own. These orbs, chaotic and pure of magic began to grow to the size of a pumpkin or some as large as a man. These became Sin Orbs, pure evil magic, and death.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

Live among the Forests of Timilik.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They feed mostly on fruit and vegetables. They do eat hunted game on occasion.