Alpha Omega created its first humanoid creature known as the Greater Beings. These creatures, being tall, masculine, agile, intelligent creatures quickly populated the south and west portion of Xonthian Island.
Greater beings were tall, fair-skinned humanoid creatures. Their faces were sharp, muscular faces with long pointed ears pointed upwards on the sides of their heads. Their hair was long and black, or often dark crimson. This coloring is often referred to as the creator’s blessing, as it is told among the Greater Beings that Alpha Omega bled for his children when he created them from all the elements of the world. A small orb was embedded in their foreheads. This was so even with newborns, as was the fact they were born with each of these unique features. Long, cat-like tails protrude from the base of the spine, just before the tail bone begins to curl under. The females, generally matching the males in stature was somewhat more lean and fair of face. They were wanderers, all the way north and east. Greater beings generally lived for about a hundred to two hundred years of age.
When the greater beings were created, Alpha Omega took each of the elements the world contained and molded them into the likeness of the Greater Beings mentioned above. Their hearts are embedded with fire and life. Their eyes are keen and mind intelligent as was their giving elemental god, water. Their bodies were made of earth, strong and unyielding. Their limbs were given the agility and grace of wind. The orb was to give them the ability to use the magic the world held. Once these elements were molded into form, Alpha Omega pricked his finger on a dagger he had forged from the core of the world, when it was still being made. A name was given to this dagger of Worlds Heart. His blood dripped from this wound onto the lifeless creatures giving them their life and essence of being.