
Icesis is a divine entity of unparalleled beauty and unyielding poise, she presides over the realms of ice and time, weaving the threads of eternity with a touch as delicate as frost-kissed petals.

From her heavenly abode, she casts her gaze over the world with eyes that mirror the vast expanse of frozen tundras – shades of blue so profound that mortal minds struggle to fathom their depth. The hues shift seamlessly, reflecting the ebb and flow of time itself, from the lightest cerulean to the deepest cobalt.

Cascading down like a cascade of frozen moonlight, her hair mirrors the brilliance of starlight against the canvas of the night sky. A mesmerizing blend of white and blue strands, they symbolize the pristine purity of untouched snow and the crystalline clarity of the coldest glaciers.

Her skin, an ethereal canvas painted in the palest hues of blue, captures the essence of the icy landscapes she governs. It is a testament to the frigid beauty that reigns in her dominion, where frosty whispers echo through the valleys of eternity.

The Goddess of Ice and Time is known to vary her form, adapting to the circumstances of her divine duties. Sometimes she is as delicate as the frost-laden snowflake, drifting gracefully through the celestial currents. At other times, she manifests as a divine maiden spirit, embodying the pristine elegance of ice sculpted by the hands of the divine.

In stature, she is as flexible as the passing seasons, her height and weight shifting in tandem with the cosmic dance of time. In her most ethereal moments, she might stand as tall as the glaciers that pierce the heavens, and in others, she may shrink to a size that allows her to walk among the mortal worshipers who venerate her name.

Among her siblings, the goddess shares a profound bond with her sister, Sha’anne, both embodying the harmonious balance of nature. However, a stark contrast exists in her relationship with Fi’ra, a brother whose fiery temperament and chaotic nature elicit her disdain. The tension between ice and fire within the divine family mirrors the eternal struggle between order and chaos.

It is said that the calmness and fairness instilled in the mortal realm find their origin in the divine touch of the Goddess of Ice and Time. AlphaOmega, a legendary figure in the mortal realm, is believed to have received these virtues directly from her divine influence, becoming a paragon of balance and serenity.

In the mortal realm, particularly among the Dwarven Clerics and those residing in the sacred city of Jeef, her worship is fervent and unwavering. The dwarves, known for their craftsmanship and resilience, find solace in her cool-tempered guidance and the measured pace of time that she governs.