Nestled beneath the imposing Shadow Mountain, the resilient Rhok Dwarves thrive in their stout, thick-skinned community. Adorned with thick beards, bulbous noses, and narrow, glassy eyes, these dwarves boast a spectrum of hair colors, with the rarest being a fiery red. The elders of their kind, particularly, prize the length of their beards. It’s worth noting that unlike their male counterparts, female dwarves of Rhok do not grow beards.
These formidable dwarves have taken on the role of guardians for the Dragon’s Summit, offering praise to the god of Rhok, from whom they derive their classification. Their toughness matches the very stone they expertly chisel through to create an ever-expanding labyrinth of tunnels, homes, and meeting spaces. Delving into the lower reaches of their earthen abode reveals a treasure trove of rare metals, where forges and mage studies work tirelessly to transform them into some of the most advanced magical weaponry in all of Xonthian.
Despite their mastery, only a select few of these magical artifacts ever see the light of day. Many undergo a process of reduction, reforging, and reenchantment. Those with exceptionally rare properties find a secure home in the Dragon’s Summit, guarded zealously by the dragons themselves.
The Mages of Rhok place high value on steadfast magics and enchantments, particularly those geared towards protection. In some remarkable instances, Rhok Mages have bestowed weapons with magical properties capable of cleaving through stone, while simultaneously enchanting armor to possess impenetrable defenses.