Trolls, a formidable amalgamation of orc and ogre lineage, exhibit a grotesque yet agile nature. Possessing long limbs, their scaly, hide-covered bodies are adorned with patches around joints, highlighting their clan-driven existence. Despite their unsightly appearance, Trolls boast heightened intelligence, fostering a disdain for unwarranted commands. When compelled, however, they execute orders with unwavering loyalty, committing to the task until their last drop of blood.
Inhabiting Ogre Island and Shadow Island, these sly creatures excel as archers and hunters, relying on their agile forms and keen intellect. Notably, a mysterious sect known as Ice Trolls dwells on the desolate south arctic ice sheet, shrouded in enigma. Cloaked in light green, sickly green, or green-brown hides, Trolls feature narrow, black eyes and coarse hair often caked in colored mud. Despite their fearsome exterior, the frozen Ice Trolls remain a tantalizing mystery, inviting curious researchers to unveil the secrets concealed within their icy domain.