Xonthian High Guard

Tasked with internal city security as well as the well-being and security of the royal houses in Xonthian City. These soldiers are quiet, reserved, and deadly when provoked. They are the embodiment of perseverance and strength in and around the Castle of Xonthian, as well as the various government buildings nearby. They also have a division of more outgoing soldiers whose purpose is to secure the city gates and parapets. They are usually taken from the Swords of Justice, if possible, and if not, they are trained from the beginning through the Xonthian Army. Only the best, and most discreet of the warriors are taken to be Xonthian High Guard.



Few hundred.


Swords, heavy armor for the Castle Guard. While the City Gate guards have medium armor and swords. The city Watch, employs archers as well.