The Stone Flame is the centerpiece of Xonthian City and is the most well-known establishment for miles. Travelers, merchants, statesmen, clerics, and various military frequent the Tavern. It is a hub for information and is often found to be everyone’s meeting spot.
Originally built as a stable with an attached home in the early years of the city, The Stone Flame grew into a tavern when the main building was replaced the home. Later, a two-story apartment was built beside it, while the tavern owner resides on the first floor of the new apartment in a comfortably sized set of rooms, the second floor is an inn.
Furnished with handmade, heavy wooden tables, chairs, benches, and an elegantly carved bar top. The Stone Flame is welcoming and warm. There’s a fireplace on one side that keeps the place well-lit. A chandelier hangs above with enchanted candles that never go out, a centerpiece that has had its share of concerns. Since it is a legacy artifact, however, it remains one of the few pieces of magical artifact that is owned privately and not by a kingdom.