The Dark Manor was constructed in the aftermath of the cataclysmic event known as the World Shattering, the manor stands as a fortified bastion, resembling more of a modest keep than a grand mansion. Its purpose was to safeguard against potential invasions by mystical creatures emerging from beneath Xonthian Mountain. Tragically, the original construction claimed the lives of several individuals, and it is rumored that the spirits of those who perished still linger within the grounds.
King Si’ann Alivis the 2nd undertook the restoration of the manor, driven by the desire to provide a sanctuary for Tiger and his companions, shielding them from prying eyes. In the process of refurbishment, the remains of those who met their end during the initial construction were discovered and were given a respectful burial in the heart of Xonthian City.
Following the resolution of the One Hundred Year War, the manor was revived to its former glory. Tiger and his companions chose to make it their home, where they spent the majority of their lives in tranquility. However, with their eventual passing, the castle succumbed to neglect and gradually fell into disrepair, reverting to its abandoned state once more.