Port Orlynns is the largest shipping city in the world. It is home to the largest pier on Xonthian, and is home to the Royal Navy, Merchant Guild, and the Gate’har Navy. Port Orlynns is a cultural center for those along the southern coast of Xonthian, and is home to some of the wealthiest merchants in all Xonthian.
Settled after the Great Shift, Port Orlynns wasn’t always well known for being the safest harbor. Once the home of pirates, it has a dark history hidden among the pine, oak, and red cedar trees that surround the city. It wasn’t until several generations later that the King of Xonthian at that time ordered Port Orlynns to become the Royal Navy’s home. Thus, the town was cleared of most of the unscrupulous. Later the Merchants Guild made their home there, and built was is not The Waterfront.
Port Orlynns is also home to a deep, accented people that follow traditions of living in harmony among the trees while living off the sea and its plentiful supply of fish. Most of the boats the world know of, was built by some of the greatest craftsmen in Port Orlynns.
Hidden among the trees, and brush of a dense forest, there are no outer walls that protect the city. Patrols of Xonthian’s Swords of Justice, embedded with the Royal Navy, patrol the shores and the city. There is a company of City Guards that also keep the peace.
Industry & Trade
Trade is the cities biggest source of income. It is home to the largest pier, as well as the largest network of warehouses. Both are strictly run by the Merchants Guild, who oversee the vast network of commerce for the Kingdom.
Guilds and Factions
The Anarachs, Merchants Guild, Clerics of Gate’har.