Comprised of the largest continent on Xonthian, Xecutran runs along the northern edge of the world with a deep, diverse climate unique to the rest of the planet. From jungles, and thick forests of the east, to the plains along the west, to the sands of the Bone Desert on the southwestern peninsula. Xecutran is home to four different ruling factions, the Dwarves who have hidden away under the Shadow Mountains directly north of Cettera, to the Atticatten on the southeastern peninsula, and the humans, living along the Strait of Irga in Cettera and the mysterious and forgotten Coatlin, living under the Serpent Spine Mountains.
Xecutran is home to some of the world’s oldest structures, built long ago by the Dwarves of Shadow Mountain. Ruins long-forgotten lay unexplored on the eastern slopes of the mountain. The Dragons also claim the mountains to be home and have roosted there, undisturbed for millennia.
The forests around Jeef are heavy with snow, caused by the consistent cold pouring in from the north. The area west of the Shadow Mountains, is in a constant flux of darkness ranging from overcast cloudy days, to deep darkness during winter months, even during the day. The shadows are cast by a phenomenon surrounding the Shadow Mountains and have no natural reason for occurring. Some theorize it is because of the Dragons who call the mountain range home. Others claim it has always been this way, even before the world shattered. Rain and colder weather run all along the northern shores of Xecutran, and other then the two peninsula’s, the rest of Xecutran tend to be colder and rainy.