Xonthian City sits on a beach, between an open plain and Clear River to the west. The second largest Gatehar Cathedral sits in the center of the city. Highborn Hill sits on the western side of the city with the slums on the east side.
The inner city is surrounded by a large wall with defensive towers spread out along the streets. The city is protected by Xonthian City Guards that contain swordsmen, pike men, archers and siege specialists. The outer area’s are patrolled by the city guards. There is also a company of Gate’har Paladins, that also patrol the city, looking for Magic Users who are breaking the law.
Industry & Trade
Xonthian City is third largest shipping city, behind Cettera and Port Orlynns. The main export is grains such as wheat, cotton, and livestock. The next main export is fish and wood products.
Guilds and Factions
The city has the largest population of Guilds of the cities. The Anarchs, Mercs, Merchant Guild, and the Clerics of Gate’har.