Wiki Category: Geography

Xonthian is a diverse and historically rich world, characterized by a variety of landscapes and civilizations. The central hub, Xonthian City, is a bustling metropolis where humans thrive amidst fertile outskirts adorned with abundant crops and farms. To the southwest lies the secluded island of Juan’kij, home to reclusive elves who reside within the lush forests of Timilik.

Towards the north, the Dwarves peacefully inhabit the Shadow Mountains, crafting their lives in harmony with the rugged terrain. On the easternmost peninsula of Xecutran, the elusive Atticatten have found refuge, maintaining a hidden existence. The world is not without its shadows, as Orcs, Ogres, and other darker races inhabit long-forgotten jungles, mysterious swamps, and the remnants of lost civilizations, concealing their presence from the more populated regions.

Xonthian Castle

Xonthian Castle stands proudly at the confluence of the Eurotis River to the west and the Straight of Irga to the north. This colossal edifice, constructed primarily from grey limestone, showcases remarkable engineering prowess. The choice of limestone, renowned for its ease of use in constructing sturdy structures was transported from the Xonthian Mountains to the west. The castle comprises two distinct wings, with the western Royal Wing commanding breathtaking views of the blue-grey waters to the north and the Eurotis River to the west.

The castle’s features include the regal Royal Hall, which serves as the heart of the fortress, and a subsequent addition of a guest wing situated to the south. Tucked away beside the main gate is a modest drill yard, offering a secluded space for training and military exercises. An encompassing outer wall fortifies the entire structure, incorporating a concealed garden adorned with a rich variety of flowers, trees, bushes, and other flourishing flora. This hidden oasis adds a touch of natural splendor to the grandeur of Xonthian Castle.

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The Slums

The Slums, located on the eastern side of the city, is a densely populated area. It is home to some of the city’s seedy underbelly, as well as the hard-working common folk, who barely scrape a living by.  

The Anarchs make their home here among an abandoned warehouse, hidden in the shadows of overly populated buildings. The Rusty Coin, the Anarchs front to the world, sits a few blocks away. The tavern is a seedy, dark establishment where the thieves gather to share information or sell it. They rule the neighborhood in various ways from the tavern as well, keeping the entire Slums under a utilitarian rule.

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Temple of Gatehar

There are several Temple’s dedicated to the Goddess of Life, spread around Xonthian and Xecutran. these temples are often home to other services, such as healing, navy posts, training, or archival libraries. Often built out of white or lighter colored stone, the temples are massive feats of engineering. Most of them are decorated with complex buttresses and can be in the shape of an Ankh, a symbol of life. Interiors are filled with hand-crafted wooden pews and marble statues dedicated to the Goddess. Stained glass artworks can be found in the windows that line the main chapels, and in the offices of their clergy.    

Temple of Xonthian City

Located just south of the castle, the Temple of Gatehar is dedicated to cleansing the world of evil and is the base of operations for many of the Paladins that serve around Xonthian City. It is also home to one of the larger holding cells, that is not maintained by the city and its guards. It is one of the older temples in the world, outside the Great Temple located on Angel Island. Like many of the other temples. It maintains a separate hospital in Xonthian City across the street, called The Home of Angels.  

Temple of Port Orlynns

Home of the clerics’ navy fleet and home base for shipping religious or magical artifacts, the Temple of Port Orlynns is often seen as a military station. Although its main focus is to safely transport its clergy, Paladins, and other religious members and their cargo. The Temple provides typical services seen around the world as well, such as healing the sick and seeing to the homeless that are often found forgotten in the shadows of the largest port city in the world.  

Temple of South Kelsa

The smallest of the Gate’Har Temples located in the small port city of South Kelsa has been rebuilt several times during its initial building. Often used as a center for triage by both Xonthian Armies and the Dark Armies during the Hundred Year War, it is no less a spectacle in terms of design. Built to reflect the Temple of Xonthian City, it is a smaller version is a focuses on healing the sick, and maintaining the crops around both North and South Kelsa. It is also used as a station for clerics on a pilgrimage, who must serve others before coming full clerics.

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Swords of Justice Compound

The Swords of Justice, Xonthian’s elite military arm, trains its soldiers relentlessly. Their home, the Swords of Justice Compound located on the northeast beach of the city, has several outbuildings, mostly administrative, barracks, and an armory. The inner field is used for training and fitness.  

The compound holds both land and sea drills and has its own secure docks. Swords of Justice focus on medium armored military units, comprised of small bands of swordsmen, with shields and spears. They are efficient killers, with an edge towards fighting magic users. Although they can not combat spells as Paladins can, they are trained to detect spell casting.

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Stone Flame Inn

The Stone Flame is the centerpiece of Xonthian City and is the most well-known establishment for miles. Travelers, merchants, statesmen, clerics, and various military frequent the Tavern. It is a hub for information and is often found to be everyone’s meeting spot.  

Originally built as a stable with an attached home in the early years of the city, The Stone Flame grew into a tavern when the main building was replaced the home. Later, a two-story apartment was built beside it, while the tavern owner resides on the first floor of the new apartment in a comfortably sized set of rooms, the second floor is an inn.  

Furnished with handmade, heavy wooden tables, chairs, benches, and an elegantly carved bar top. The Stone Flame is welcoming and warm. There’s a fireplace on one side that keeps the place well-lit. A chandelier hangs above with enchanted candles that never go out, a centerpiece that has had its share of concerns. Since it is a legacy artifact, however, it remains one of the few pieces of magical artifact that is owned privately and not by a kingdom.

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Hon’shu’s Home

Home to Hon’shu, a famous tactician for the King of Xonthian during the One Hundred Year War. It was later sold after his death and has become a historical landmark in the area.

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High Born Hill

Home to the affluent and prestigious, High Born Hill is crowned with manors and mansions of various sizes. Lords, Ladies, and other political figures also call the area their home. Naturally defensible, due to the hill’s steep incline, and then rolling hill top, the area has become a landmark for the wealthy. Topped with various trees natural to the area, many of the homes also have fences made from bushes. Though many still opt for stone walls.

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East Mountain

Somewhere between a hill and a full-size mountain, East Mountain takes up a huge area along the eastern section of the city, acting as a natural barrier. The mountain, which has a steep stone surface along most of its outer ring, tapers off to rolling hills as it fades inward towards the city. A path leads up to a watchtower, called The First Call, a once important tower that kept on the lookout for roaming pirates that once called the Straight of Irga home. The hills and mountain top is scattered with various trees of the lowlands, including ash, willow, and poplar.

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Xonthian City

Xonthian City sits on a beach, between an open plain and Clear River to the west. The second largest Gatehar Cathedral sits in the center of the city. Highborn Hill sits on the western side of the city with the slums on the east side.




The inner city is surrounded by a large wall with defensive towers spread out along the streets. The city is protected by Xonthian City Guards that contain swordsmen, pike men, archers and siege specialists. The outer area’s are patrolled by the city guards. There is also a company of Gate’har Paladins, that also patrol the city, looking for Magic Users who are breaking the law.

Industry & Trade

Xonthian City is third largest shipping city, behind Cettera and Port Orlynns. The main export is grains such as wheat, cotton, and livestock. The next main export is fish and wood products.

Guilds and Factions

The city has the largest population of Guilds of the cities. The Anarchs, Mercs, Merchant Guild, and the Clerics of Gate’har.

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Xonthian City
Fort Pointe
Wall of Ages
North Kelsa
South Kelsa
Port Orlynns
Temple and Sands of Time

Although the smallest of the two Kingdoms in the world, Xonthian is home to some of the largest armies, naval armadas, and the Merchants Guild. It is a melting pot of politics and ideologies. Influences from the Atticatten, Elves, and even the Dwarves, can be seen around its diverse settlements.  

The largest concentration of settlements is found east of the Wall of Ages and the surrounding Xonthain Mountains. Xonthian City, Fort Pointe, Port Orlynns, Yenzu, and other smaller homesteads, farms, and settlements sprinkle themselves between the larger ones. While west of the Mountains, there is North and South Kelsa and the Cross Roads, with mostly farmlands stretching north to south in-between.

Deep forests surround both sides of the Xonthian Mountains on the south side, with a dense woodland area spreading east towards Port Orlynns. On the northeast side of the Xonthian Mountains, is the famed Dark Forest, home to the Dark Manor, deep in its embrace. On the northwest side are rolling grasslands, with thin forests spreading out west.  

Hidden away southeast of Yensu Lake is the Sands of Time and the Temple of Time. The Sands are a desert, scorched during a battle long before the world shattered. The ruins around the temple were once part of a lost civilization, or what is now part of the Tri-Islands.  

Unnamed villages and settlements dot the landscape east towards Yenzu, and between North and South Kelsa, overseen by a network of mayors and councils. Homesteads and farms take up the majority of the land.

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