The Tri Islands were once one land, part of the rest of Xonthian before the world shattered. When Alpha Omega broke the world apart, he splintered the islands into three, one for himself and one for the Greater Beings.
Xonthian is a diverse and historically rich world, characterized by a variety of landscapes and civilizations. The central hub, Xonthian City, is a bustling metropolis where humans thrive amidst fertile outskirts adorned with abundant crops and farms. To the southwest lies the secluded island of Juan’kij, home to reclusive elves who reside within the lush forests of Timilik.
Towards the north, the Dwarves peacefully inhabit the Shadow Mountains, crafting their lives in harmony with the rugged terrain. On the easternmost peninsula of Xecutran, the elusive Atticatten have found refuge, maintaining a hidden existence. The world is not without its shadows, as Orcs, Ogres, and other darker races inhabit long-forgotten jungles, mysterious swamps, and the remnants of lost civilizations, concealing their presence from the more populated regions.
The Tri Islands were once one land, part of the rest of Xonthian before the world shattered. When Alpha Omega broke the world apart, he splintered the islands into three, one for himself and one for the Greater Beings.
Alpha Omega Temple is located on the largest Tri Island. It is home to the demi-god of the same name and is a large ornate structure with dizzying rooms, inverted ceilings, and magical rooms that test the very essence of man. Only one person has ever been inside and made it out again.
The Sea of Mist is a dense low handing cloud system that is magically created to hide the Tri Islands. Explorers of all kinds have attempted to penetrate the mist in search of fame and glory. There is said to be one known explorer that has ever made it to the Tri Islands, however, that is much more of a fable than anything verifiable. The explorer, like many before him, got lost in the mist and never made it back home. More recently, there was one group of explorers and adventurers that did make it to the Tri Islands, which were then invaded by the dying Fire Isle Mages.
The Swamp of Lost Souls, named for the crew of a missing expedition, sits in the center of the Ogre Island. It is home to many Trolls who have built villages inside, on stilts of wood. The stench of the boglands is like rotting corpses, and not only do the Trolls that live there treat it with reverence but so do the other inhabitants of the island. Many of the Orcs and Ogres that live around the island, keep clear of the heart of the swamp. Very little is know about the swamplands aside from a few tales that have made its way out of the island, thanks to the Fire Isle Mages that inhabited the Bay of Tusks, during their occupation.
The heart of the Evil Army consists of enslaved or tricked denizens of Ogre Island. When the Fire Isle Mages discovered the swampland, they moved an outpost to the Bay of Tusks, which sits in the middle of the island, directly west of Juan’kij. Used as a military outpost during the Hundred Year War, it was later turned into a large encampment of Orcs, who took the area over when the Mages lost the war. The island itself is made of a loose connection of villages with various orc tribes and leaders all vying for power. Ogres, the larger causing of Orcs, and less intelligent, prefer to fight for whoever can beat them in battle. Orc Chieftains who need or want Ogre’s on their side must tame them in combat. If they die, then they were not worthy of both their allegiance or their leadership role. Trolls live in the swampland, and a pock-marked and brutal killing machines. Often seen as the elves of the swamp, they also rule with a loose connection of leadership and tribes. War between the various species on the island keeps them from growing too much too fast, however, there have been factions that have left the island, to settle elsewhere in Xonthian.
The island of Juan’kij was the first to fall when the Fire Isle Mages invaded during the Hundred Year War. It is a rich land, filled with resources they could ship away to support their war efforts across Xonthian and Xecutran. Because the island had no active military system, it fell quickly during the invasion. Both Xonthian and Xecutran kingdoms were oblivious to the disaster until it was too late. Neither country had lay claim to the island, so neither had an army stationed there. During the age of discovery before the war, the island was under the control of Xecutran. When Xonthian rediscovered it, they invaded and took it over. The brief war that followed, forced the two nations into an agreement that left the island alone and used it as a neutral state with governing bodies present in both courts. Because it had no real ties with the outside kingdoms, they never developed an army of much power and so it fell to the Fire Isle Mages might.
Juan’kij is also the home of the Elves, who live in the north in the Timlik Forest.